Three night digital detox in a countryside cabin
UKIt’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here, but keeping up a travel blog when you don’t really go anywhere is pretty difficult. There’s…
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here, but keeping up a travel blog when you don’t really go anywhere is pretty difficult. There’s…
For anyone reading the blog in 2020, I probably don’t need to mention that it’s been a difficult one for most of us. Mark wrote a…
Once every few months or so my friends and I (Mark) like to go on long walks. We hop on a train or drive somewhere almost…
It’s funny how travelling can be a core part of your life for seven months, but when you return home it takes hardly any time for…
When your bank account is still recovering from a round-the-world trip, travel plans become far less exotic. Rather than flying out to some foreign places we…
This weekend marks seven weeks since we’ve been home and I’m struggling to find an emotion to settle on about it. The only thing I can…
When you live so close to somewhere as beautiful as Wales for years, you should take the time to explore it. That’s something we didn’t realise…
So here we are on the penultimate flight of the journey, having almost looped once around the world in 220 days. There’s just one more place…
Our detour into Bolivia was short but sweet, with a pretty big pile of salt in the middle. Although there were options for other places to…
The major attraction for us in Bolivia was the Uyuni salt flats, which we’ve been told is the largest in the world. We’re fascinated by crazy…
It’s strange that in three weeks we’ve travelled from L.A. to Peru and then all the way down to Bolivia.
It’s funny how time and experience changes what you’re nervous about. We’ve done so much in the past 7 months that I’m scared home won’t be enough.
Sometimes tours make me feel uncomfortable, especially when the locals are expected to perform for the entertainment of the tourists.
Following our visit to Machu Picchu, we almost felt like we were done with this trip. We’ve been on the move for just under seven months…
Machu Picchu is actually the only reason we’re in South America and Mark’s been excited to see it for a long time, so it seemed a…
Our first stop on our Peruvian jaunt was in a small seaside town called Paracas, mostly known for the Ballestas Islands which are overflowing with birds…
After our short 48 hour stop in Los Angeles, we’re now 4176 miles away down in South America. This month will be full of surprises for…
For the past two nights we’ve been in Los Angeles, staying in a motel in Long Beach. We didn’t get up to much, but we did…
Our first experience of a resort holiday together was in Fiji, which came as a welcome break from moving around so much all of the time.
I’ve been waiting a very long time to see New Zealand, mostly because a little trilogy of books I read in my teens.
Napier probably wouldn’t be on my list of places to visit in New Zealand, but it was fun to see all the Art Deco buildings in the town.
We didn’t do a huge amount in Wellington, but we did visit Weta Workshop where I got to be all geeky about Lord of the Rings and prop making.
New Zealand hasn’t exactly been a cheap date so far, but given the fact that it’s fantastically beautiful we’re willing to overlook that fact.
For the past few days I haven’t really done much, though we have seen a large chunk of New Zealand’s South Island through the window of the car.